Our children are a precious commodity. They are, quite literally, the future of our families, our nation, and the world. Despite that, if your children are not homeschooled, they spend a great deal of time away from you during the week. What’s worse, and unfortunate pattern of active killer events at schools has showcased just how vulnerable a school can be to a determined, deranged individual intent on harming the most innocent among us. What can we do? School protection is a multi-layered issue, but security window film can be a crucial piece of the puzzle.
Hard and Soft Targets
In order to understand why schools are so vulnerable to violence, you need to understand the terms “hard target” and “soft target”. In layman’s terms, a hard target is a place or facility which would be difficult to successful attack. A soft target is easy to attack. This is usually a consideration for the military or law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, we now have to consider how soft of a target our churches, workplaces, and schools are now.
For many criminals and mentally deranged people, the soft target is far more appealing. After all, the goal of an active killer is to cause as much death and destruction as possible. It follows, then, that if the killer has the choice between a heavily secured police station and a school with lax safety measures, they’ll likely choose the school.
Ok…but Window Film?
Yeah, window film.
Over the past several years, window film has become more and more popular for a variety of problems. Films exist for insulation, sun protection, and security. Let’s quickly discuss some of the key benefits of security window film below.
Cost Effective
Schools operate on a budget. Prohibitive cost is often the barrier to greater security . Replacing all of the windows in a school with double or triple pane windows is going to be extraordinarily expensive. With a quality window film you gain the same security benefits with a fraction of the cost.
Easy to Install
Security window film is applied overtop the existing window. It is significantly easier to apply than replacing all of the windows. This ease translates to speed of installation. While it may take days or weeks to replace the windows, depending on the size of the school, films can be applied in a much shorter time. If you are making the choice to install the films during school operation, this ease will also make the film installation much less intrusive.
Deter and Slow Potential Intruders
The sad truth is that merely securing windows is not enough to keep schools safe. Doors must be secured. Staff must remain vigilant. Perhaps security guards or law enforcement should protect the schools as well. However, windows with security window film act as a deterrent to people trying to break the window and gain entry. Many criminals will flee when their attempted crime turns out to be harder than initially thought. Should the person continue to try and gain entry, secured windows will slow the intruder.
For any of your window film needs, reach out to Solar X. Our qualified team would be happy to assist you with any of your window needs!